Thursday 27 November 2014

Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures

Easy Indian Desserts Biography

Last weekend I had Indian's for lunch. We particularly love Tandoor Palace for Indian food because there is a choice of South Indian and North Indian menu. The people there became our friends, particularly because my boyfriend knows the boss.

Everytime I dine with my girlfriends there, they will give us complimentary of Kesari Bath. Or some called it Sajjige. It's a warm dessert. Personally I don't like it at all. Don't get me wrong. It's nice, but the idea of having warm dessert after flaming hot curry is not that appealing to me. Besides, I don't like the ginger-ish taste in it. My Indian friend told me there's no ginger in the dessert. Perhaps, they have some cardamom in it. Although it's not one of my favorite, I still finish it as much as I could. You just have to be greatful when someone give you food.

And a friend ordered Gulab Jamun with Ice-cream. It is a yoghurt pudding and really easy to make. All you need is milk, butter, flour, self-rise flour and oil to fry. Mix everything, except the flour. Make it into small balls. Then deep fry them. I learnt it when I was working with an Indian restaurant sometime ago. Oh ya, I forgot about the syrup. Pour some syrup water onto it. If you want some extra flavor, add rose water into the syrup. I should have ordered this! It's fantastic.

I had Mango Kulfi. It's an Indian ice-cream. The one I ordered was really hard. I had to use a lot of force to scoop it up. It didn't make my dessert that pleasant, though. The best Mango Kulfi in Tasmania is at Annapurna Restaurant (Salamanca). The branch in North Hobart didn't make it that well too.

I don't have the address for Tandoor Palace, but it's located at Knopwood Lane behind Salamanca. Really hidden place.
 kg peeled pumpkin-cut into 1 "dices 1 1/2" cinnamon stick 150 ml water 150 gm grain sugar or to taste4 tbsp butter / oil / pure ghee 50 gm raisins 2 tbsp grated-roasted coconut 2 tbsp flaked-roasted almonds

Method: Place the pumpkin, water and, cinnamon in a saucepan. Cover and cook until tender. Drain and mash the pumpkin.In a large pan, heat 4 tbsp of, oil until hot. Add the pumpkin, stirring, continuously. Allow the puree to reduce and thicken and darken, for about 10 minutes. Stir in enough sugar to sweeten. Continue cooking until the halwa reduces into, a deep amber & glossy mixture. Spoon into a serving dish & serve hot, decorated with raisins, coconut and almonds.

Indian Recipes Many people who have already mastered the art of American cooking will be looking for new cultures of food to cook. Indian recipes are always a favorite among people who want to learn a new culture of food. There are many different recipes for the same dish in India, and just as with any kind of recipe, you have to test and adjust to your own likings when making an Indian dish. As you read through the Indian recipes that are available online and in Indian cookbooks, you can look at the ingredients to see if you think you would like to try and make the recipe or not. If you know a little something about cooking, you will know what ingredients you like to see put together and this will help with your decision about what kind of dish you want to make. You may not like as much curry in a dish as the Indian recipes call for, so you can cut that down in the dish you make if you want to. It’s a personal choice just like when you are cooking any other kind of food. You don’t always put all of the ingredients in all the recipes you have tried in the past and found that you enjoy the food much better when it is tailored to your personal tastes. Trying Indian recipes is something any cook should try because the Indian cuisine has lots to offer people who love good flavor and textures in their foods.

Indian Food Recipes Indian food recipes offer some of the widest range of foods that you will ever come across. Rice dishes are one of the favorites among Indian cooks and serve as a nice base for any main dish. Many of the main dishes will call for a certain type of Indian rice dish to be served with in the recipe. Knowing how to find and make rice of different kinds can be found anywhere there are other Indian food recipes. Even though the Indian recipes will call for a certain kind of rice, most of the dishes can be cooked with any long grained rice as a substitute. Rice dishes are typically among the easiest of all Indian food recipes to substitute ingredients for. They are also one of the easiest recipes to follow. The aroma of rice cooked from an Indian food recipe will surprise you as it fills the room. Many of the ingredients smell so good as they are flavoring the rice that you will want to serve it often just to fill your home with the wonderful smells produced while cooking. The look of the rice made from Indian food recipes is important as well. They like to have colorful ingredients included which can really make your dinner plate look appealing for you and your guests who get to sample the rice. If you are wanting to get started cooking Indian foods, start with a rice dish so that you can say you have made something from one of the Indian food recipes you

Easy Indian Recipes If you are a vegetarian, you will find many easy Indian recipes that will adhere to your choice of diet. These recipes are not only delicious, they are also a good source of nutrition for your body. Indian recipes are well known for being meals that are meatless, so it just makes sense that a vegetarian would gravitate to the Indian cuisine for their meals. You can only eat the same types of meals so many times before it starts to get boring. Learning some of the easy Indian recipes will help you to add new foods and dishes to your diet. No matter what time of day it is that you want to eat an Indian meal or do some Indian cooking, you can find an easy Indian recipe for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Even find appetizers and breads that will make your mouth water just reading the ingredients and how it is made. Soups, salads and snacks top the favorites for people who have tried Indian recipes in the past. Many people continue to make the easy Indian recipes over and over again and enjoy saying they are serving Indian food to their family’s. If you are tired of the same old thing when it comes to eating as a vegetarian, start looking for an easy Indian recipe that you can make. You may have found your new favorite food to make and eat. Sharing your recipes with other vegetarians is also fun because they many have an even easier way to make the same Indian dish.

Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures

Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures
Easy Indian Desserts Indian Desserts Recipes Halwa Kheer With Condensed Mild Pistachio Recipes Easy For Diwali Menu Pictures

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